Tourist flow to Karelia to increase 1.5x by 2020

Alena Donskaya, 29.08.2014 07:51
Просмотров: 8569

The authorities of the Republic of Karelia have approved the regional government financing program “On developing physical culture, sports and tourism, as well as enhancing the implementation of the Republic’s youth-related policies” for 2014–2020, reports the region’s press service.

The long-term target program for the development of tourism in the Republic is set to be one of the focal points of the document.

Its implementation is expected to increase the inbound tourism to Karelia and the amount of investments in tourism by almost 1.5x before 2020. The volume of excursion and hotel services offered to tourists, as well as the number of jobs in the industry, will both grow 1.7x.

The total amount of financing within the program’s framework will amount to about $9bn, which will be drawn from federal, regional and local budgets, as well as from off-budget sources.

According to independent polls conducted in 2014, Karelia is already ranking among the top three most sought-after Russian regions in terms of tourism.


In 2013, the inbound tourist flow to Karelia increased more than 9% compared to 2012, amounting to 595 thousand people. The total number of tourists who visited the region last year was about 1.9 million people.

Head Expert of the Republic’s State Tourism Committee Dmitry Bobrov has told TRN that during the period of September 5–7 Karelia will be organizing a media tour for Russian tour operators. The tour is aimed at expanding the range of Karelia’s tourism products in Russian travel companies’ packages.

According to him, in the course of the media tour Russian tour operators, which work with the domestic and international inbound tourism destinations, will be able to learn more about the traditional and new travel options in Karelia.

Страны, регионы и города: Russia
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