UK Aims for 370k Russian Arrivals by 2020

Vladimir Savelyev, 03.03.2014 11:39
Просмотров: 4592

In Ritz Caulton hotel in Moscow, Destination Britain Russia workshop was launched with participation of 47 British companies representing operators, hotels, and regional tourism boards – VizitEngland, VizitScotland, VizitIrealand. The workshop will continue its work today. The British representatives plan to meet more than 120 Russian operators and agencies that are interested in the British tourism product.

This event is but one of the stages in VizitBritain’s ambitious endeavor to achieve a 75% increase in tourist flow from Russia to the UK by 2020. The number of Russian arrivals is projected to reach 370 thousand by that point.


In 2012 the United Kingdom was visited by 227 thousand Russian tourists. Head of VisitBritain Christopher Rodrigues says that there is every reason to believe that in 2013 there will be a significant increase in the tourist flow from Russia. The official data is due in a few days.

He also said that British visas were issued for about 95% of Russians who applied for it in 2013. The period of issuing visas has been reduced.

When speaking on the subject of the recently concluded Sochi Olympics, the head of VizitBritain praised the high organization level of the Games, saying that they stirred the world’s curiosity in Russia and made people want to visit the country. Mr. Rodrigues believes that now is the time to make hay while the sun shines, and cement the existing success with a massive marketing campaign for promoting Russia.

According to Head of VizitBritain’s Russian division Tatyana Khoreshok, about 70% of Russians who come to the UK visit London. The percentage is different for tourists from other countries, only 40% of whom stay in the British capital, while 60% are interested in other parts of the country.

Our tourists usually spend 8-9 days in the country. The average amount of their expenses during each visit is 1,057 pounds per person, which is 75% more than that of tourists from other countries. The most visited cities after London are Oxford, Manchester and Liverpool.

The head of VizitBritain said that the board’s budget for the Russian market has not yet been formed, but the money is expected to be split equally between promotion through travel business and attracting direct customers. He also says that time is ripe for significantly upping the investments in promoting the UK on the Russian market.

By way of conclusion Christopher Rodrigues said that VizitBritain’s budget was made up of two constituent parts – state money and money of the companies that participate in promotional events organized by the tourist board.

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