Year of Chinese Tourism in Russia: Results Overview

Alena Donskaya, 08.01.2014 08:29
Просмотров: 5324
Tourism Association “World without Borders”, together with the China National Tourist Office in Moscow, hosted a New Year function in the hotel complex “Cosmos” in Moscow, which was devoted to the results of the Year of Chinese Tourism in Russia.

The participants of the event represented different organizations: China Embassy in Russia, dedicated departments of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian Ministry of Culture, airlines, regional tourism administrations of both countries, and also the management of Rostourism and mass media.

One of the first to speak before the guests was Alexander Radkov, the head of Rostourism, who noted that it was thanks to widespread cooperation that the Year of Tourism was so successful. Then the head of the federal agency proceeded to give the China National Tourist Office of Moscow a letter of gratitude for its contribution to this intergovernmental project.

As it was said during the event, the mutual tourist flow between Russia and China will amount to about 5 million people by the end of 2013. For the past nine months 309 thousand Chinese tourists have visited Russia, out of which 131 thousand (42%) – under the visa-free regime.

Alexander Radkov also mentioned that Rostourism has created the information system for monitoring Chinese tourists that travel visa-free. It can be accessed by law enforcement authorities, which allows to catch illegal immigrants. Last year the Chinese-Russian tourist flow amounted to 3.3 million people.
Страны, регионы и города: China, Russia
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