Krasnodar Krai Expects 12m Tourists

Alena Donskaya, 04.04.2014 07:28
Просмотров: 3556

According to mass media reports that cite the regional Resorts and Tourism Ministry, more than 12 million organized tourists are expected to come to Krasnodar Krai in 2014.

Experts doubt that this number will be achieved through travel company arrivals alone (if by ‘organized tourists’ we mean clients of travel companies).

Sergei Romashkin, Director General of Delfin, says that according to marketing research, only 30% of tourists use the services of travel companies, while 70% come to the region by themselves. According to the expert’s estimates, the cost of package deals to Krasnodar Krai has grown 7-10% this year, which is mainly caused by the rise of food prices.

This year the resort will allocate 100 million rubles to the development of its resorts. Krasnodar Krai expects growth in tourist flow not only thanks to the recent Olympics, but also thanks to the development of alternative tourism: mountain, event and ethnic tourism.

According to Russian tour operators, the growth of summer season demand for Krasnodar Krai may reach 30%. Bookings are coming in at a high rate and extend till October.

According to Krasnodar Krai’s Ministry of Resorts and Tourism, more than 11 million people spend their holidays in the region each year, and in 2013 this number reached 11.6 million. As of February 1, 2014 the local resorts had been visited by about 500 thousand tourists. The number of offers for spa resorts in the region is constantly growing.

Currently, 190 spa and resort organizations provide balneotherapy services. These organizations include 110 balneotherapy facilities, 75 mud bath facilities and 23 well-rooms with potable mineral water, with public access to 11 of these well-rooms. Also, 19 children’s year-round spa resorts are working in the region.

The Kuban River has about 500 tourist sights and about 150 excursion itineraries. The region also boasts well-developed event tourism, with 420 festivals and celebrations taking place throughout the year.

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